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Certification of the withholding agent

The service allows you to obtain official certification of the remuneration received by employees and similar, self-employment, income from commissions, pensions and other types of income. It is available by 16 March of each year.
Addressed to:
CAF- Citizens- Patronage Institutes
Fund of membership

Publication: 3 April 2017 Latest update: 17 July 2023

What is it?

It is the tax document that certifies the amounts paid by INPS in the reference tax year to the holders of the following types of benefits:

  • pension;
  • social security;
  • welfare;
  • income support.

Who is it aimed at?

It is aimed at all citizens who have received income from INPS:

  • from employment and similar;
  • from pensions;
  • from self-employment;
  • from commissions and other income.

For multiple benefits, a single certification is compiled which certifies all incomes paid in the previous year.

How does it work?

The Certification of the withholding agent (Certificazione Unica, CU) is available online from 16 March each year.

The Certifications of the withholding agent of previous years (CUD and CU) can be consulted within the citizen's social security portal, accessible from the menu, under ‘Forms’.

After logging in with your credentials to the MyINPS reserved area, follow the path: Your services and tools> Tax services and payments received by the INPS> Tax Communications.

Alternatively, it is possible to acquire the CU (INPS Circular no. 29 of 15 March 2023) through:

  • Mobile INPS app for Android and Apple iOS mobile devices;
  • Contact centre to request home delivery:
    • on 803 164 (free from Italian landlines) or 06 164 164 from Italian mobile phones or 800 434 320, both from Italian landlines and mobile phones, service with automatic responder;
    • the number (+39) 06 164164 (can be dialled from a mobile network), service with operator active from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Italian time) and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Italian time) for pensioners resident abroad;
  • certified e-mail (PEC) by sending a request to the address and attaching a copy of the claimant's identity document, the CU is sent to the inbox used for sending;
  • e-mail, by sending a request to (for those who do not have a certified e-mail address);
  • Mobile Counter, aimed at citizens over seventy years of age with accompanying, special or communication allowance. The service provides for the sending of a specific communication, with the telephone numbers of an operator of the competent territorial office, to request the shipment of the Certification at home.

The CU may also be claimed:

  • by a delegated person who, in addition to the proxy, shall attach copies of their identity documents and those of the delegate;
  • by the heirs of the deceased owner who, in addition to a copy of their own identification document, must submit a substitute declaration of sworn affidavit.