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Leave, time off permits and certificates

The list of services to apply for leave and time off permits and to transmit and consult certificates

Select the service according to leave-related operations (transmission, claim and consultation) or send claims for certificates and permits.

Mandatory paternity leave

Claim for mandatory paternity leave of 10 days for working fathers employed in the public and private sector


Online submission of certificates of pregnancy and interruption

Sending of certificates of pregnancy or termination of pregnancy for certifying doctors, preg-nant workers, and employers

Salary statement required for small loan and multi-annual loan (for Poste Italiane employees)

Claim to obtain salary statement for employees of Poste Italiane and associated companies

Thematic areas

A list of thematic areas that include several services on a specific topic.

Access to services for trade unions

Consultation and management of trade union delegations

Portal for Court-appointed Expert Physicians

Portal for Court-appointed Expert Physicians

Services for entertainment workers

Information relating to services dedicated to artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers