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Social security contributions payment

The list of services for the regularisation and authorisation claim for voluntary payment of contributions

Selects the service according to the operations relating to contributions (payment, regularisation and authorisation) and transmission of salary data.

Authorisation for voluntary continuation for invalidity, old-age and survivors

Claim for authorisation to pay voluntary contributions for pension purposes for workers who have ceased working


Authorisation to pay additional contribution for trade union mandate

Contribution supplementing the compulsory one recognised for workers on unpaid trade union leave and/or on paid secondment

Claim to change the Insurance Position (Richiesta di Variazione della Posizione Assicurativa - RVPA) of civil servants

This service allows the civil servants to report any inaccuracies and errors contained in the Civil Servants' Pension Scheme Account Statement. The claim can be submitted online. The deadline for reply is set at 30 days.

Debit notice: report, suspension, cancellation and instalment

Notification of debit notice for sums due to INPS following assessments by the relevant offices. It is immediately enforceable


Certification of contributory debts – VeRA

A single certificate, issued at the request of the debtor or the Court, showing the receivables payable to INPS by the debtor

Certification of the withholding agent

Claim for certification of the remuneration received during the previous year. This can be requested claimed by citizens who have received income

Claim to change the Insurance Position (Richiesta di Variazione della Posizione Assicurativa - RVPA) of civil servants

This service allows the civil servants to report any inaccuracies and errors contained in the Civil Servants' Pension Scheme Account Statement. The claim can be submitted online. The deadline for reply is set at 30 days.

Debit notice: report, suspension, cancellation and instalment

Notification of debit notice for sums due to INPS following assessments by the relevant offices. It is immediately enforceable


Disapplication of contribution ceiling - Claim

Claim for disapplication of the contribution ceiling for employees of public administrations

Division into instalment payments of contributory debts during the administrative phase

Claim for division into instalment payments of contributory debts during the administrative phase for the taxpayer who has accrued debts towards the Schemes managed by INPS

Reduction of contributions (Artisans and Traders)

Transmission of information and data useful for the settlement of the severance indemnity for artisans and traders

Tax assistance (730/4): citizen services

The service allows the consultation of the adjustments deriving from the Income Tax Returns - Form 730 that INPS receives from the Revenue Agency

The pension statement and the OBIS/M form

Pension certificate containing the pensioner's personal details, the competent INPS office, category, certificate number and any guardian

Certification of the withholding agent

Claim for certification of the remuneration received during the previous year. This can be requested claimed by citizens who have received income

Certified Statement of Account (ECOCERT and ECOMAR)

Claim allowing workers to claim for pensions and benefits such as invalidity allowance, social allowance and pension recalculation

Claim to change the Insurance Position (Richiesta di Variazione della Posizione Assicurativa - RVPA) of civil servants

This service allows the civil servants to report any inaccuracies and errors contained in the Civil Servants' Pension Scheme Account Statement. The claim can be submitted online. The deadline for reply is set at 30 days.

Debit notice: report, suspension, cancellation and instalment

Notification of debit notice for sums due to INPS following assessments by the relevant offices. It is immediately enforceable

Part-time: accreditation for the pension entitlement of periods not worked

Claim for recognition, for pension purposes, of part-time work as full-time work. It is aimed at workers with part-time employment contracts

Tax assistance (730/4): citizen services

The service allows the consultation of the adjustments deriving from the Income Tax Returns - Form 730 that INPS receives from the Revenue Agency

Certification of the withholding agent

Claim for certification of the remuneration received during the previous year. This can be requested claimed by citizens who have received income

Claim to change the Insurance Position (Richiesta di Variazione della Posizione Assicurativa - RVPA) of civil servants

This service allows the civil servants to report any inaccuracies and errors contained in the Civil Servants' Pension Scheme Account Statement. The claim can be submitted online. The deadline for reply is set at 30 days.

Debit notice: report, suspension, cancellation and instalment

Notification of debit notice for sums due to INPS following assessments by the relevant offices. It is immediately enforceable

Tax assistance (730/4): citizen services

The service allows the consultation of the adjustments deriving from the Income Tax Returns - Form 730 that INPS receives from the Revenue Agency

Thematic areas

A list of thematic areas that include several services on a specific topic.

Occasional Work: Family Register

Management of operations relating to occasional work for natural persons who are not engaged in professional or business activities

Access to services for domestic workers

Consultation of services to manage domestic work relations

CAF (Fiscal Assistance Centre) Portal

Viewing and management of services for CAFs

Civil Servants: services for administrations, institutions and companies

View of the services for administrations, institutions and companies enrolled in the Civil Servants' Pension Scheme

Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme: services for workers and pensioners

Visualisation of services for workers and pensioners enrolled with the Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme

Claim for Pension, Reconstitution, Accruals, Certifications, Social APE indemnity and “early” Benefit

Submission of claims for Pension, Reconstitution, Accruals, Certifications, Social APE indemnity and “early” Benefit

Services for Consulates

Consultation of the pensions’ archive, registry changes and changes in bank details, Red Est and link to the Citibank portal

Services for entertainment workers

Information relating to services dedicated to artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers

Social Security Box for Artisans and Traders

Consultation of the account statement and summary of the credit and debit situation

Social Security Box for farms

The service enables access to templates, compilation and submission of claims and management of communications.

Social Security Box for freelance professionals

Consultation of personal details, submission of requets and management of communications with INPS

Social Security Box for self-employed agricultural workers

The service allows users to consult, verify the company's position and manage communications with INPS.

Social security box (Domestic employers)

Management of data of the domestic work relationship and related communications

Taxpayer's Social Security Box

Companies, consultants and category associations can view and manage services


The list of tools to perform management, consultation, modification or claim operations.