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TFS (Leaving indemnity for civil servants)/TFR (Severance indemnity)

The list of services to manage TFS and TFR

Select the service according to the operations that can be carried out: assistance from the Severance indemnity TFR Guarantee Fund, Claim for redemption exemption, Management of severance indemnity in payslips, Quantification of TFR/TFS or Capital benefits of the “Fondo Esattoriali” (Tax Collection Fund).

Capital benefits of the Tax Collectors Fund

Claim for capital benefits relating to TFR for members of the Tax Collectors' Fund and entitled heirs

Certification of the withholding agent

Claim for certification of the remuneration received during the previous year. This can be requested claimed by citizens who have received income

Claim for redemption exemption for Leaving Indemnity for Civil Servants TFS / Severance Indemnity TFR – State

Claim for exemption from a redemption for TFS or TFR purposes, for persons enrolled in the social security funds managed by the Institute

Claim for redemption for TFR / TFS purposes for Civil Servants

Claim for redemption of periods and services not covered by contributions for inclusion in the TFS/TFR, for Civil Servants

Claim for redemption of periods for Severance Indemnity TFR / Leaving Indemnity for Civil Servants TFS purposes for civil servants of local institutions, regions and healthcare

Claim for redemption of periods and services not covered by any contributions for leaving Indemnity for Civil Servants TFS or Severance Indemnity TFR purposes for civil servants

Claim to change the Insurance Position (Richiesta di Variazione della Posizione Assicurativa - RVPA) of civil servants

This service allows the civil servants to report any inaccuracies and errors contained in the Civil Servants' Pension Scheme Account Statement. The claim can be submitted online. The deadline for reply is set at 30 days.

Early extinction of redemption for TFS / TFR purposes with an ongoing amortisation schedule

Claim for early extinction of redemption with an amortisation schedule aimed at beneficiaries who intend to settle the residual debt

Guarantee fund for access to a financial advance on TFS/TFR

A service that is aimed at paying bodies, with the exception of INPS, which manage the disbursement of TFS/TFR to their employees

Guarantee fund for the TFR (Severance Indemnity) and work credits

Claim for intervention by the Guarantee Fund for the TFR (Severance Indemnity) and work credits for employed workers who have terminated their employment relationship

Ordinary advance of the TFR (severance indemnity) for those enrolled in the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits (Credit Fund)

Claim to obtain the amount of accrued and unpaid TFR (severance indemnity) for those enrolled in the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits

Ordinary advance of the TFS (Leaving indemnity for civil servants) for those enrolled in the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits (Credit Fund)

Claim to obtain the amount of accrued and unpaid TFS for those enrolled in the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits

Quantification claim for a TFS/TFR financial advance

Claim for the quantification of the financial advance for the purposes of TFS or TFR for civil servants

Salary statement required for small loan and multi-annual loan (for Poste Italiane employees)

Claim to obtain salary statement for employees of Poste Italiane and associated companies

Severance Indemnity (TFR) for civil servants

Amount of money paid to the worker when the employment relationship ends. Civil servants are entitled to the TFR (severance indemnity)

Tax assistance (730/4): citizen services

The service allows the consultation of the adjustments deriving from the Income Tax Returns - Form 730 that INPS receives from the Revenue Agency


Transfer of the Severance Indemnity (TFR) under guarantee fund - Sending of notification (Financial companies, Banks and other credit assignees)

Claim to electronically send notifications relating to transfers of the TFR (severance indemnity) guaranteeing loan agreements entered into with employed workers

Thematic areas

A list of thematic areas that include several services on a specific topic.

Civil Servants: services for administrations, institutions and companies

View of the services for administrations, institutions and companies enrolled in the Civil Servants' Pension Scheme

Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme: services for workers and pensioners

Visualisation of services for workers and pensioners enrolled with the Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme

Services for entertainment workers

Information relating to services dedicated to artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers

TFS (Leaving Indemnity) Portal - Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme

Consultation of services reserved for civil servants under the TFS regime