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Admission to guest houses for pensioners registered with the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits and their spouses

The service is currently not available
The service allows to claim for admission to the guest house at Monte Porzio Catone and the guest house 'La Pineta' in Pescara, guaranteeing food, lodging, communal facilities and assistance for pensioners enrolled in the Credit Fund.
Specific for
Civil servants pensioners enrolled in the Credit Fund

Publication: 3 April 2017 Latest update: 21 April 2023

What is it?

The INPS offers pensioners residential housing in the guest house at Monte Porzio Catone (Rome) and in “La Pineta” guest house of Pescara, providing food, accommodation, communal facilities, and social, medical, dietary and nursing assistance.

Housing is for an indefinite period of time but can be terminated by voluntary resignation, as a result of the loss of self-sufficiency or by the non-payment of the participation fee, which is calculated based on the ISEE (Equivalent economic situation indicator).

Who is it aimed at?

The guest house service is intended for for public pensioners registered with the Credit Fund (also as a result of Ministerial Decree no. 45 of 07th March 2007) and their spouses.

How does it work?

In order to be accepted, the would-be residents must guarantee an an income of their own, or have their family members (or a third party) act as their guarantor with a formal letter of commitment. They must also be psychophysically self-sufficient, the condition of which is to be verified by a geriatric evaluation committee within the guest house. Self-sufficiency is verified annually, and its loss shall result in dismissal from the housing.

Access is granted via an annual open tender, published online. Admission to the house comes after an acceptance and the respect of all rules contained in the guest houses’ internal regulations.

Residents shall share expenses with monthly boarding costs, established according to the ISEE range to which they belong. The fee varies from a minimum of 550 euro to a maximum of 1,000 euro for a pensioner in a single room, and from a minimum of 1,000 euro to a maximum of 1,800 euro for spouses in a double room.

The amount is subject to revaluation on the basis of the increase in the cost of living.

In the event of acute and/or short-term illness, the guest house shall ensure that the appropriate treatment is provided. In case of persisting illness or a more complex disease, the resident shall be temporarily transferred to a health resort, either public or private, with costs to be borne by the National Health Service. In the event of loss of psychophysical self-sufficiency, the resident shall be transferred, with the family’s agreement, to long-term care facilities affiliated with the guest house.

To find out more, watch the video on the video sulla casa albergo Monte Porzio Catone guest house.

Processing times

The deadline to define the decision was set at 30 days by the Regulation for the definition of the terms to conclude the administrative proceedings adopted by INPS pursuant to Article 2 of Law no. 241/1990.

The table attached to the Regulation shows the deadlines for defining the measures established by the Institute that are longer than the normal 30-day period, and the indication of the relative manager.

The service is currently not available