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Unemployment benefit for self-employed entertainment workers (ALAS)

The service allows individuals to claim benefits for the involuntary unemployment of self-employed workers in the entertainment industry.
Addressed to:
Artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers
Fund of membership

Publication: 25 October 2022 Latest update: 25 October 2022

What is it?

The ALAS (Indennità di Disoccupazione per iLavoratoriAutonomidelloSpettacolo) is a benefit for the involuntary unemployment of self-employed entertainment workers, introduced from 1 January 2022, offering support to those who provide artistic or technical activities on a fixed-term basis, directly connected with the production and performance of shows (Article 66, paragraphs 7 to 16, Decree-Law no. 73/2021).

Who is it aimed at?

The ALAS benefit is intended for self-employed workers in the entertainment industry, who meet the requirements indicated below

How does it work?

Start date and duration

The service commences onthe eighth day following the termination of the last employment relationship.

If the claim is submitted after the eighth day, the ALAS benefit commences on the day following the submission.

The benefit is paid monthly for a number of days equal to half the days of contribution paid or credited to the entertainment workers' pension fund in the period from 1 January of the calendar year preceding the conclusion of the last self-employment relationship to the date of conclusion of that employment relationship.

What am I entitled to?

The benefit shall be in relation to the taxable income for social security purposes resulting from contribution payments made to the Entertainment Workers' Pension Fund, relating to the year in which the last self-employment relationship ended and to the previous calendar year, divided by the number of months of contribution, or parts thereof, present in the same observation period.

The benefit, in relation to the monthly income as determined above, is equal to 75 per cent in the event that it is equal to or lower than a certain amount which is reassessed annually based on the change in the ISTAT price index (1,250.87 euro for 2022).

If the average monthly income is greater than this amount, the amount of the ALAS shall be increased by a sum equal to 25 per cent of the difference between the average monthly income and the aforementioned amount.

The benefit cannot in any case exceed the maximum monthly amount of 1,360.77 euro for 2022, reassessed annually.

Withdrawal of benefit

Entitlement to the benefit shall be withdrawn in the following cases:

  • ownership of other unemployment benefits, such as NASpI or DIS-COLL;
  • ownership of direct pension benefit
  • acquisition of the right to ordinary invalidity allowance, provided that the worker does not opt for the ALAS benefit;
  • ownership of Citizens’ Income.



The benefit is granted to entertainment workers who can meet all the following requirements:

  • not be holders of a direct pension benefits from mandatory social security schemes;
  • not being beneficiaries of Citizens’ Income;
  • have no ongoing self-employment or subordinate employment relationships;
  • have accrued, in the period from 1 January of the calendar year preceding the conclusion of the last self-employment relationship to the date of submission of the claim, at least 15 days of contribution paid or credited to the Entertainment Workers’ Pension Fund;
  • have an income related to the calendar year prior to the submission of the claim that does not exceed 35,000 euro.

How can I claim?

The claim must be submitted to INPS exclusively by electronic means, through the online service, within 68 days of the termination of the employment relationship, using the usual channels made available to citizens and patronage institutes on the INPS website.

Alternatively, the allowance can be requested through the Contact Centre, by calling the toll-free number 803 164 from landlines (free of charge) or the number 06 164 164 from the mobile network (standard mobile network fees apply).

Processing times of the decision

The deadline to define the decision was set at 30 days by the Regulation for the definition of the terms to conclude the administrative proceedings adopted by INPS pursuant to Article 2 of Law no. 241/1990.

The table (pdf 205KB) attached to the Regulation shows both the deadlines for defining the decisions established by the Institute that are longer than the normal 30-day period, and the indication of the relative manager.