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Responsibility statements and compensated admissions

The service allows individuals to submit the statement of responsibility and existence of requirements, for persons receiving civilian invalidity and holders of a social pension or allowance.
Addressed to:
People with disabilities- Pensioners- CAF- Patronage Institutes
Fund of membership

Publication: 3 April 2017 Latest update: 12 September 2023

What is it?

It is a service for submitting the statement of responsibility and existence of administrative requirements for the recognition of a civilian invalidity economic benefit (Article 1, Law no. 662 of 23 December 1996 and Law no. 247 of 24 December 2007).

Who is it aimed at?

To citizens who receive:

  • benefits related to civilian invalidity;
  • social pension/allowance as holders.

How does it work?

Persons receiving civilian invalidity entitled to accompanying allowances or monthly allowances must present:

  • the Civil Invalidity for Admission Form (ICRIC form), to declare any free admissions;
  • the Civilian Invalidity for Work Form (ICLAV model), to declare the performance of work activities.


IIn the event of mental or physical disability (in the absence of a guardian/administrator):

  • no statement is required;
  • it is necessary to submit a medical certificate indicating the illness to the relevant local office (Article 1, paragraph 254, Law no. 662/1996).

Minors entitled to both attendance and monthly attendance allowances and must submit the ICRIC form to declare any periods of admission.

Minors between 5 and 16 years of age must declare:

  • compulsory school attendance or that of outpatient centres;
  • termination of school attendance;
  • change of school regarding the previous school year;
  • transfer to another academic institution;
  • progress to the next level indicating the new academic institution's references (school name, full address, tax identification code or VAT number, email or certified email address).

Recipients of the social pension must submit the Verification of the Requirements for a Social Allowance or Pension Form (ACC. AS/PS form) to declare residence in Italy.

Recipients of the social allowance must submit the ACC. AS/PS form, to declare residence in Italy and any possible free admissions.
The statements of responsibility are submitted online through the dedicated service, logging in with your credentials.
Alternatively, claims can be submitted through the intermediary of:

  • Calling the contact centre on 803 164 (free from Italian landlines) or 06 164 164 from mobile phones.
  • CAF, fiscal assistance centre (exclusively for the ACC. AS/PS form).

The online procedure allows the following forms to be submitted:

  • ICRIC - for the admission of persons receiving civilian invalidity benefits;
  • ICRIC Frequenza - for the admission of recipients of attendance allowances and for information on attendance at an educational establishment;
  • ICLAV - for the performance of work activities or absence thereof for recipients of civilian invalidity benefits;
  • ACC. AS/PS - for the existence of the requirement of permanent and continuous residence in Italy for recipients of social pension, social allowance and substitute for civilian invalidity;
  • ACC. AS/PS for the admission conditions for persons entitled to the social allowance and substitute for civilian invalidity.

The annual submission of statements of responsibility is compulsory for the provision of assistance benefits.
If the user is in default, they can also view reminders of previous years' statements online for settlement.
From 2015, statements may no longer be sent in paper form.

Other information

CAFs (fiscal assistance centres) and other individuals authorised for tax assistance, if they meet the requirements, may enter into agreements on the basis of the approved draft (Legislative Decree no. 241 of 9 July 1997 and subsequent amendments).

The authorised individual must have a valid digital Entratel certificate, issued by the Italian Revenue Agency.
The agreements are concluded in:

  • metropolitan offices;
  • provincial INPS offices with local jurisdiction over the place where
    the office of the claimant is located.