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Inclusion allowance (ADI)

The service makes it possible to claim financial support for users in vulnerable conditions and inclusion in training courses and active employment policy.

Addressed to:
Citizens- Patronage Institutes- Unemployed, never previously employed and suspended workers
Fund of membership

Publication: 22 July 2024

What is it?

The Inclusion Allowance (ADI) is a national measure aimed at combating poverty, vulnerability, and social exclusion among marginalised groups through pathways to social integration, along with training, work and active employment policies. It was established as of 1 January 2024, under Article 1 1 of Decree-Law No. 48 of 4 May 2023, which was subsequently amended and converted into Law No. 85 on 3 July 2023. 

Who is it aimed at?

The ADI comprises economic support and social and employment inclusion, subject to means-testing and adherence to a tailored activation and social and employment inclusion pathway. It consists of two parts: a supplement to family income up to a threshold (amount A) and support for households residing in leased accommodation with a properly registered contract (amount B).

How does it work?

The economic benefit commences from the month following the ADI claimant's signing of the family unit's Pact for Digital Activation (PAD) upon a positive outcome of the preliminary investigation.

In the initial application phase, only for claims submitted by January and accompanied by the Pact for Digital Activation (PAD) signed by January 2024, the benefit will commence from January 2024, contingent upon a positive outcome of the preliminary investigation.

The benefit is paid monthly on the electronic payment card (Inclusion Card or ADI Card) for a continuous period not exceeding 18 months and can be renewed, following a one-month suspension, for additional 12-month periods. Upon the conclusion of each 12-month renewal period, a one-month suspension is always applied.

The amount due for the family income supplement can be divided, upon request, at the time of claim submission or subsequently, for each adult member of the family unit who exercises parental responsibility or is considered in the ADI equivalence scale, allocating a per capita share to each. 

Schedule of payments

Since 27 February, INPS has ordered the payment of the February 2024 monthly payment for all families receiving the ADI who have submitted a claim by January 2024 and who have already received payments on 26 January or 15 February, if the requirements of the right to the allowance remain.

The payments of the instalments after the first (the so-called "renewals") will be scheduled on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 27 March 2024
  • Friday 26 April 2024
  • Tuesday 28 May 2024
  • Thursday 27 June 2024
  • Saturday 27 July 2024

However, for those who submit a claim for the Inclusion Allowance by February 2024, with a Pact for Digital Activation signed in the same month, the first payment, upon the positive outcome of the preliminary investigation, will be made on 15 March, covering the month of March, while the April instalment will be paid on 26 April.

Starting with claims submitted in February and upon the positive outcome of the preliminary investigation, payments will be made from the month following the month in which the Pact for Digital Activation is signed.

For claims that will be submitted in the coming months, with a successful preliminary investigation and signed activation pact, the first payment will be made as follows:

Claims submitted by

Signing of Pact for Digital Activation and positive outcome of preliminary investigation

Availability of inclusion cards with credited amount for collection at Post Offices for claimants who have received SMS

February 2024

February 2024

Friday 15 March 2024

March 2024

March 2024

Tuesday 16 April 2024

April 2024

April 2024

Wednesday 15 May 2024

May 2024

 May 2024

Saturday 15 June 2024

June 2024

June 2024

Tuesday 16 July 2024



The ADI is provided, upon request from one of the family members, to ensure the inclusion needs of family units with members with disabilities, as defined pursuant to the regulation referred to in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers No. 159 of 5 December 2013, as well as of members who are minors or at least sixty years of age, or of members in a condition of disadvantage and included in care and assistance programmes of the local social and health services certified by the public administration.

Claimants for the ADI must meet the following requirements for the entire period during which the allowance is paid:

Citizenship, stay and residence requirements

The claimant must be, alternatively:

  • an Italian citizen or his/her family member who holds the right of residence or the right of permanent residence;
  • a citizen of another country of the European Union or his/her family member who holds the right of residence or the right of permanent residence;
  • a third-country national holding an EU residence permit for long-term residents;
  • a holder of the international protection status referred to in Legislative Decree No. 251 of 19 November 2007 or of the status of stateless person.

The claimant, at the time of submitting the claim, must have been a resident in Italy for at least five years, of which the last two on an ongoing basis.

Continuity of residence is considered interrupted in the event of absence from the Italian territory for a period of two consecutive months or more, or in the event of absence from the Italian territory within 18 months for a period of four months or more, even if not continuous. Absences for serious and documented health reasons do not interrupt the continuity of the period, even if they exceed the above limits.

The residence requirement at the time of claim and throughout the duration of the benefit is extended to the members of the family unit benefiting from the measure.

Economic requirements

The claimant’s family unit must meet the following economic requirements:

  • a valid ISEE value not exceeding 9,360 euro;
  • a family income* value less than a threshold of 6,000 euro per year, multiplied by the corresponding parameter of the ADI equivalence scale;
  • real estate assets in Italy and abroad (as defined for the purposes of the ISEE) not exceeding 30,000 euro, other than the residence with an IMU Property Tax value not exceeding 150,000 euro;
  • movable assets (e.g. deposits, current accounts, etc.) as defined for the purposes of the ISEE not exceeding:
    • 6,000 euro for units composed of a single member;
    • 8,000 euro for units composed of two members;
    • 10,000 euro for units composed of three or more members (threshold increased by 1,000 euro for each child, starting from the third).

    These ceilings are increased by:

    • 5,000 euro for each member with disabilities;
    • 7,500 euro for each member present in the family unit in a condition of severe disability or who is not self-sufficient, as defined for ISEE purposes;
  • not having in the family unit any member who is the owner in any capacity or has full availability of:
    • vehicles with a cylinder capacity exceeding 1600 cc or motorcycles with a cylinder capacity exceeding 250 cc, registered for the first time in the 36 months prior to the claim, excluding vehicles and motorcycles for which there is a tax relief for persons with disabilities;
    • vessels or pleasure boats pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Pleasure Boating Code, referred to in Legislative Decree No. 171 of 18 July 2005, as well as aircraft of any kind.

* The welfare benefits included in the ISEE are deducted from the family income and all those currently enjoyed are added, with the exception of those received due to the condition of disability and those not subjected to the means test. Any income and assets not included in the ISEE are declared at the time of claiming the benefit and assessed for this purpose. The family income includes direct and indirect pensions currently paid to the members of the family unit, with effect after the reference period of the currently valid ISEE, without prejudice to the provisions of Italian Council of Ministers Presidential Decree no. 159/2013 on current ISEE. In the calculation of family income, any amount received as part of the Inclusion Allowance, the Citizens’ Income or any other national or regional anti-poverty measure is excluded. Remuneration for amateur sporting activities, which, pursuant to art. 36, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree No. 36/2021, does not constitute a taxable base up to a total annual amount of 15,000 euro, is included in the value of the family income for the purpose of assessing the economic situation of the family unit.

Additional requirements (precautionary measures, preventive measures, convictions, resignation, totally publicly funded facilities and right and obligation to education):

  • not being subject to a personal precautionary measure, to a preventive measure, and not have final convictions or adopted pursuant to Article 444 of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure, occurred in the ten years prior to the claim;
  • not being unemployed, if subject to the employment activation obligations referred to in article 6 paragraph 4 of Decree-Law No. 48/2023, following voluntary resignation, in the 12 months following the date of resignation, without prejudice to the resignation due to just cause, as well as the termination by mutual consent of the employment relationship which occurred in the context of the procedure referred to in art. 7 of Law No. 604/1966;
  • not residing in totally publicly funded facilities;
  • having fulfilled the obligation to education for beneficiaries between the ages of 18 and 29 or being enrolled and attending first-level adult education courses aimed at fulfilling the aforementioned obligation to education referred to in Article 1, paragraph 622, of Law No. 296/2006

ISEE: omissions and/or discrepancies

In the event of an ISEE with omissions and discrepancies, INPS will inform the claimant if omissions and/or discrepancies are found in the ISEE with respect to the data found in the tax register and/or the self-declared data concerning movable assets (e.g. current accounts, deposit accounts, securities). The claimant may provide the Institute with supporting documents or a new DSU (single substitute statement) that does not contain any discrepancies within a reasonable period of time in order to allow the claim to be accepted.

Notification Obligations

The ADI is compatible with work as an employee or self-employed person, with the consequent possible reassessment of the amount of the benefit or its forfeiture if the thresholds are exceeded.

Therefore, the claimant or the members of the family unit receiving the ADI must inform INPS of any employment already existing at the time of the claim (by means of the short ADI-Com form) and not yet recorded in the ISEE for the whole year, as well as of any change in employment while the benefit is being paid (by means of the long ADI-Com form).

In particular, should one or more members of the family unit commence employment or initiate a business or self-employment venture while receiving ADI, any additional income earned will not factor into the calculation of the economic benefit, up to a ceiling of €3,000 gross per year, calculated for the entire family unit.

The income from work exceeding the threshold will contribute to the determination of the financial benefit starting from the month following the change until the higher income is accounted for in the ISEE for the whole year.

In order to determine the 3,000-euro threshold for the first period, the employee must, in any event, notify INPS of the presumed income from employment within thirty days of commencement by using the long ADI-Com form.

If the period of thirty days from the start of the activity, as indicated in the compulsory declarations, has elapsed without any communication from the worker, the payment of the benefit will be suspended until this obligation has been fulfilled, and in any case no later than three months from the start of the activity, after which the benefit will be forfeited*.

*Without prejudice to what has just been described with regard to the compatibility between the economic benefit and the earned income, the acceptance of a job offer for employment between one and six months, as indicated in the compulsory declarations or in the declarations of commencement of employment sent by the worker to INPS, if it includes a salary of more than 3,000 euros, which would entail the forfeiture of the benefit, shall result in the suspension of the payment of the benefit to the family unit for the duration of the employment.

The commencement of a business or self-employment activity, whether carried out on an individual or partnership basis by one or more family members while the ADI is being paid, must be notified to INPS by the day before the commencement of the activity, under penalty of forfeiture of the benefit, by using the long ADI-Com form.

Income is calculated on a cash basis as the difference between the revenues and remuneration received and the expenses incurred in carrying out the activity, and must be reported within the fifteenth day following the end of each quarter of the year. As an incentive, the beneficiary will receive the ADI without any change for the two months following the change in employment status, without prejudice to the total duration of the benefit. Subsequently, the benefit will be updated each quarter with reference to the previous quarter, and income will contribute to the part exceeding 3,000 euro gross per year, calculated for the whole family unit.

While the benefit is being received, if there are any changes in the family unit compared with the previous ISEE certificate, an updated DSU must be submitted within one month of the change, under penalty of forfeiting the benefit. With the sole exception of changes due to deaths and births, the new family unit may submit a new claim for ADI from the month following that in which the updated DSU for ISEE purposes is submitted, as the effects of the previous claim cease to apply.


The ADI claim may be submitted to INPS from 18 December 2023:

  • electronically through the website, by logging in with your credentials;
  • at patronage institutes;
  • at a Fiscal Assistance Centre, from 1 January 2024.

After submitting the claim, the data will be accessible through the Social and Labour Inclusion Information System (SIISL) activation platform, where the claimant must:

  • register on the Social and Labour Inclusion Information System (SIISL) platform and sign the Pact for Digital Activation for the family unit (PAD), expressly authorising the transmission of data relating to the request to social services, CPIs (public employment centres), employment agencies and intermediation bodies, as well as to entities accredited for employment services;
  • upon signing the family unit PAD, the family's data are automatically forwarded to the social services of the municipality of residence for analysis and acceptance for family members with complex needs and for activating any necessary support;
  • after the automatic transfer of family data, beneficiaries must attend the initial appointment with social services within 120 days of signing the family unit PAD. Should social services fail to issue a summons and if no initial meeting takes place within the specified timeframe, the payment of the benefit will be suspended, only to resume after the meeting. It is important to note that failure to attend scheduled appointments with social services, without valid justification, results in the beneficiary family forfeiting the benefit.

Social services conduct a multidimensional analysis of family members.

Following this analysis, various solutions may be identified for individual family members with parental responsibilities or included in the equivalence scale:

  • family members who are adults, bear parental responsibilities, are unemployed, not enrolled in educational courses, and without caregiving duties are obliged to participate in the employment placement programme. Following referral to employment centres, they are required to sign the Personalised Service Agreement within sixty days, after signing the individual PAD, and to follow the subsequent activation process;
  • members of the family with disabilities or aged 60 or over or included in protection programmes related to gender-based violence may in any case request voluntary participation in a personalised programme for employment placement or social inclusion;
  • The following are excluded from the obligation to participate in employment placement programmes:
  • the beneficiaries of the Inclusion Allowance who are holders of a direct pension or aged sixty years or over;
  • family members with disabilities, pursuant to Law No. 68/1999, without prejudice to any targeted placement initiative;
  • family members who have been diagnosed with cancer;
  • family members with caregiving responsibilities, as assessed based on the presence of children under three years of age or three or more minor children, or family members with disabilities or non-self-sufficiency, as defined in Annex 3 to the regulations pursuant to Italian Council of Ministers Presidential Decree No. 159/2013;
  • family members enrolled in protection programmes related to gender-based violence and women victims of violence, with or without children, who are supported by anti-violence centres recognized by regional governments or social services.

  • Signing of the personalised service pact within 60 days of the family members’ enrolment at the employment centre or accredited employment services providers. In case of failure to sign the personalised service pact within the stipulated timeframe, due to lack of summons by the competent services, the payment of the benefit will be suspended. Failure to appear for scheduled appointments or to sign the personalised service pact at the request of the competent services without valid justification will lead to forfeiture of the economic benefit.
  • Signing of an inclusion pact.ADI beneficiaries, even if exempt from obligation to take part in employment placement programmes, are still required to adhere to a personalised social inclusion programme by signing the inclusion pact, as per Article 6, paragraph 1, of Decree-Law No. 48 of 2023, except for family members aged between 18 and 59 without parental responsibilities and excluded from the equivalence scale, who may participate in placement programmes under the SFL. They are therefore exempt from obligations under the ADI. The same exception applies to individuals with disabilities, aged 60 years or older, or those enrolled in protection programmes related to gender-based violence who may still request voluntary participation.

    In cases where the personalised service pact is signed, it may also include participation in employment services and training programmes of the National Programme for Worker Employability Guarantee (GOL), as outlined in Mission 5, Component 1, of the PNRR.

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