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Psychologist Bonus - Contributions to cover the costs of psychotherapy sessions

Support measure for persons in a state of anxiety, stress, depression who are in a position to benefit from psychotherapy. Contributions are recognised for an amount up to 50 euro for each psychotherapy session.
Specific for
Persons who have experienced serious psychological repercussions brought on by the pandemic and other causes.

Publication: 25 July 2022 Latest update: 25 July 2022

What is it?

The “Contributions to cover the costs of psychotherapy sessions” (so-called Psychologist Bonus) is a measure to support persons experiencing:

  • anxiety; 
  • stress; 
  • depression; 
  • psychological fragility.

Who is it aimed at?

It is aimed at all persons who:

  • have experienced serious psychological repercussions brought on by the pandemic and the subsequent socio-economic crisis; 
  • wish to benefit from psychotherapy.



At the time of submitting the claim, it is necessary to meet the following requirements:

  • Italian residency;
  • valid ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator), with a value not exceeding 50 thousand euro.

In the presence of an ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) that is not valid, the claim cannot be accepted.


Claims for 2022 were submitted from 25 July to 24 October 2022.

The procedure was reopened until 31 August 2023 for psychotherapists with patients domiciled or resident in the areas affected by the floods, for the following functions:

  • booking;
  • placement;
  • confirmation of the sessions relating to the period from 8 June to 31 August 2023.

For 2023 claims, you must wait for the new ministerial decree.


For 2022 claims, the specific online service was available, which can be reached using the "Use the service" key.

To access the procedure you need to have one of these tools:

  • SPID identity (at least Level 2 credentials);
  • CIE (Electronic Identity Card);
  • CNS (National Services Card).

At the end of the period established for the submission of 2022 claims, the regional/provincial (Trento and Bolzano) classification was drawn up for the allocation of the benefit within the limits of the budget (Table C annexed to Decree-Law no. 228/2021 - Article 5, paragraph 6 of the inter-ministerial decree of 31 May 2022), which takes into account:

  • of the ISEE value;
  • for those with the same ISEE value, the order of submission of the claim.

Unused resources relating to 2022 are reallocated from 26 September 2023 by working through the regional or provincial classification (message 26 September 2023, no. 3356).

The benefit is granted only once to the requesting citizens. 

If the claim is accepted:

  • the contribution is granted for an amount up to 50 euro for each psychotherapy session and will be disbursed until the maximum amount assigned is reached, based on the following ISEE limits:
    • in the case of an ISEE of less than 15 thousand euro, the amount of the benefit, of a maximum of 50 euro for each session, is disbursed until the maximum amount of 600 euro for each beneficiary is reached;
    • in the case of an ISEE of between 15 thousand and 30 thousand euro, the amount of the benefit, of a maximum of 50 euro for each session, is disbursed until the maximum amount of 400 euro for each beneficiary is reached;
    • in the case of an ISEE exceeding 30 thousand euro and not exceeding 50 thousand euro, the amount of the benefit, up to a maximum of 50 euro for each session, is disbursed until the maximum amount of 200 euro for each beneficiary is reached;
  • communication will be provided of:
    • the amount of the contribution;
    • the associated unique code, to be delivered to the professional with whom the psychotherapy session is held. 

The contribution and unique code must be used within 180 days from acceptance of the claim. 

After this deadline, the unique code will be cancelled.

Other information

The “Contributions to cover the costs of psychotherapy sessions” was introduced by Decree-Law no. 228 of 30 December 2021, converted, with amendments, by Law no. 15 of 25 February 2022, in Article 1-quater, paragraph 3.

The implementing provisions for 2022 were issued with the inter-ministerial decree of 31 May 2022, issued by the Minister of Health, in concert with the Minister of Economy and Finance - published in the Official Gazette - General Series no. 148 of 27 June 2022.

Law no. 197 of 29 December 2022 (2023 Budget Law) made the Psychologist Bonus a structural measure, allocating:

  • 5 million euro for 2023; 
  • 8 million euro starting from 2024. 

For 2023 it is necessary to wait for the publication of the new implementing decree and the INPS circular with the operating instructions.