The service allows a claim to be submitted for access to training programmes and income support benefits for employees of insurance and insurance assistance companies, sectoral institutions or category associations.
Addressed to:
Administrations, Institutions, and Companies
Fund of membership

Publication: 3 April 2017

What is it?

Governed by the Inter-ministerial decree No. 78459 of 17 January 2014, published in the Official Gazette No. 88 of 15 April 2014, the Insurance Fund (Fondo Assicurativi) is an INPS scheme, it is not a legal entity and enjoys financial and asset autonomy.

The Fund aims to intervene against workers in crisis situations, restructuring, corporate reorganisation, decrease or transformation of activities or work, in order to favour changes and renewal of professionalism and implement active policies of income and employment support.

The Fund provides for the following ordinary payments: funding of training programmes for professional conversion and/or retraining, including with the support of national and European funds; income support benefits for workers affected by reduced working hours or temporary suspension of employment (ordinary allowances), for the causes envisaged by the legislation on ordinary and extraordinary income support.

Who is it aimed at?

Benefits are granted to all dependent workers, excluding managers, of insurance companies (regardless of their names and duly constituted) and insurance assistance. Furthermore, beneficiaries include dependent workers employed by the companiescontrolled by the aforementioned companies, provided that they carry out activities deemed as instrumental or connected with the activities of insurance, reinsurance or insurance assistance.

Beneficiaries also include personnel employed by sectoral institutions or category associations in the insurance and assistance insurance sectors, provided that a joint claim for joining the Fund is submitted by the company and the trade unions and that such claim receives a favourable opinion by the Fund's Management Committee.

How does it work?

Start date and duration

Access to ordinary benefits is subject to the completion of the contractual procedures that modify working conditions of personnel involved or determine the decrease of employment levels provided for by the legislation. 

These procedures must be concluded with a company agreement. In the case of processes to reduce employment levels, all benefits provided can be accessed.

The disbursement of funding for training programmes cannot last more than 12 months. The ordinary allowance can be granted for a period of no less than13 weeks in a two-year rolling period and not exceeding, depending on the reason invoked, the maximum durations envisaged by the causes identified for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Wage Compensation Fund.

What am I entitled to?

For training programmes, the contribution is equal to the corresponding gross remuneration (identified by collective bargaining) due to the workers in question, reduced by the possible contribution of national or European Union funds.




To access training programmes, workers must be the recipients of a company agreement regarding training programmes for retraining or professional re-training in the context of processes that modify the working conditions of staff.

For ordinary allowances, it is necessary for workers to be affected by the decrease in working hours or suspension of work due to the reasons provided for by the legislation on ordinary or extraordinary wage supplementation. The wage supplement must be granted for the time deemed necessary to resume interrupted production activities. The intervention, therefore, is aimed at supporting both cases of contingent and short-term corporate crises, and cases of corporate crises prolonged over time and linked to a downsizing of production.

The granting of the ordinary allowance is subject to the condition that the recipient worker, during the period of decrease or suspension of work, does not carry out any type of work activities in favour of third parties, with the exception of ancillary work services referred to in Articles 48 and following, Italian Legislative Decree No. 81 of 15 June 2015. The reference to the provisions in force is deemed valid pursuant to INPS circular No. 130 of 4 October 2010.

How can I claim?

The claim for accessing ordinary benefits must be submitted electronically by the company (INPS circular No. 122 of 17 June 2015 and INPS circular No. 201 of 16 December 2015).