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Maritime workers illness allowance: supplementary communication

This service allows users to claim an allowance for temporary incapacity for maritime workers and for certain categories of workers who, if embarked for service on ship, are equivalent to them. The claim can be submitted online.
Addressed to:
Patronage Institutes- Maritime workers, fishermen and the air sector
Fund of membership
The service is also available in

Publication: 4 October 2021 Latest update: 23 May 2023

What is it?

In the event of illness, maritime workers are entitled to the following sector-specific allowances, subject to health and administrative requirements:

  • allowance for absolute temporary incapacity due to main illness.
    This is recognised for the on-board illness events that cause disembarkation; if the doctor does not consider it necessary, the worker is not disembarked and the disease is not compensated by INPS;
  • allowance for absolute temporary incapacity due to additional illness.
    This is recognised for events occurring within 28 days of landing, to workers on board:
    • steamships or motorboats directing traffic;
    • with on-board cards;
    • offshore tugs;
    • vessels of more than two hundred tonnes gross tonnage for fishing beyond the Suez Canal, the Straits of Gibraltar and the Dardanelles;
  • allowance for temporary incapacity due to illness for seafarers under permanent contract/paid availability. This is recognized for events occurring after 28 days and before 180 days of landing;
  • temporary unsuitability for boarding following common illness
    INAIL is responsible for the payment of benefits in the event of accidents at work/occupational illness.
    The contributions paid by the shipowners for the coverage of the benefit of "temporary unsuitability for navigation", equal to 0.15% of the taxable contribution declared, are collected in full by INAIL and subject to accounting adjustments between institutes.

Who is it aimed at?

This allowance is payable to maritime workers and certain different categories of workers who, if embarked for service on ship, are treated as such.

How does it work?


The allowance for absolute temporary incapacity due to main illness is paid:

  • from the day after disembarkation for all prognosis days (including holidays) until clinical recovery;
  • if health requirements are met, for a maximum of one year from disembarkation.

The allowance for absolute temporary incapacity due to additional illness is paid:

  • from the fourth day following the date of the report of the illness;
  • if health requirements are met, for a maximum of one year from disembarkation.

The allowance for temporary incapacity due to illness for seafarers under permanent contract/paid availability, is paid:

  • from the fourth day following the date of the report of the illness;
  • if health requirements are met, for a maximum of 180 days.

The allowance for temporary unsuitability for boarding following common illness is paid in relation to the entire period of temporary unsuitability, up to a maximum of one year from the date of report of illness.


The allowance for absolute temporary incapacity due to main illness is paid:

  • in the percentage of 75% of the remuneration received 30 days before disembarkation; if the insured person has worked for a period of less than 30 days, the fixed elements of the remuneration are related to the month;
  • less the value of board, in case of hospitalization, provided that the seafarer does not have fiscally dependent family members: in any case, the paid allowance cannot be less than half of the normal allowance, including board.

The allowance for absolute temporary incapacity due to additional illness is paid:

  • in the percentage of 75% of the remuneration received 30 days before disembarkation;
  • less the value of board (conventional value) in case of hospitalization, provided that the seafarer does not have fiscally dependent family members: in any case, the paid allowance cannot be less than half of the normal allowance, including board.

The allowance for temporary incapacity due to illness for seafarers under permanent contract/paid availability is paid:

  • in the percentage of 50% (for the first 20 days) and 66.66% (from the 21st to 180th day) of the remuneration paid when the illness occurred;
  • reduced to 2/5 of the regular allowance, in the case of hospitalisation for workers who have no fiscally dependent family members.

The allowance for temporary unsuitability for boarding following common illness is paid:

  • in the percentage of 75% of the remuneration used for the assumed event of illness; for the purposes of the calculation it is necessary to consider only the ordinary remuneration excluding any variable items (e.g. compensation for overtime, tank cleaning); the navigation allowance (in the percentage of 50%) needs to be considered instead, in that this is an ordinary and continuous compensation.

Medical documentation of medical home visits to ascertain illness

With the electronic certificate the worker is exempted from the obligation to send it to INPS.

In cases where electronic transmission is not possible, the worker shall have the GP issue the illness certificate in paper form and complete with all the data required by law.

To avoid incurring legal penalties, which entail the loss of the right to the illness allowance payable by INPS for every day of unjustified delay in sending, within two days from the date of issue, the worker shall submit or send:

  • the original paper certificate to the competent local INPS office;
  • the attestation to their employer, if required.

Electronic transmission is also allowed for certificates of hospitalization and illness certificates issued by hospitals.

If, on the other hand, the certificates are drawn up in paper form, the worker shall submit them or send them to:

  • the competent local INPS office;
  • the employer, if required.

The certificates of hospitalization (but not any of those for post-hospitalization illness) can be delivered from the second day from the date of issue and within one year from this, under penalty of expiry.

The hospitalisation certificate and the certificate regarding the day spent at the emergency room without diagnosis are not considered to have certifying value for the purposes of recognising the social security benefit.

The worker is required to:

  • provide an address for availability
    (district, suburb, complexes comprising several buildings, etc.);
  • check that the data have been correctly entered in the illness certificate drawn up by the attending physician, to allow for home medico-legal checks, if required.

For the payment of the allowance, the worker shall be available at home during the periods of availability provided for by law, to allow verification of the temporary incapacity for work.

The hours of availability are, for all days reported in the illness certification (including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays), from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 19.

Absence during the medical home visit, if not justified, results in the application of penalties and related non-payment of the allowance for illness days:

  • for a maximum of 10 calendar days, from the start of the event, in case of a first unjustified absence during the medical home visit;
  • for 50% of the allowance in the remainder of the illness period in the event of a second unjustified absence during the medical home visit;
  • for the total of the allowance from the date of the third unjustified absence during the medical home visit.

If, as a result of a medical home visit, the worker is unknown or unavailable (a case that can occur in cases where it has not been possible, for the doctor in charge, to know the address indicated by the worker or if the subject is unknown at that address), the worker loses the right to the illness benefit.

This will not be paid until the interested party communicates the omitted or incomplete data.

During the prognosis period of the certificate, the worker can change the address of availability by communicating it promptly to INPS using the appropriate online service.

For the allowance for temporary unsuitability for boarding following a common illness, the health documentation consists of:

  • the medical examination report issued by the collegial medical commission established at the port authorities;
  • or the decision on any appeal against the report of the first-instance visit; any appeal shall be submitted to the Central Commission.



The claim can be submitted through the online service "Supplementary communication of illness for maritime workers", using the personal credentials.

It is a tool for the aggregate acquisition of administrative and health elements.

As indicated in INPS Circular no. 127 of 12 August 2021, those users unable to use the online services autonomously can delegate a trusted person, through the digital identity delegation tool.

Alternatively, claims can be made by:

  • Calling the Multichannel Contact Centre on 803 164 (free from Italian landlines) or 06 164 164 from mobile phones;
  • intermediaries of the Institutes, through the online services offered by them.

The supplementary communication must be presented only in relation to the first medical certificate, even if the event consists of several illness certificates.

The communication is sent in the event of the onset of the illness, on the basis of the aggregation elements "Event type" and "disembarkation date".

For the "continuation" of the same event, any certifications will be automatically acquired for processing if transmitted electronically; in the presence of a certification issued in paper form, the related obligation of transmission to the territorially competent INPS office remains with the worker, within two days of issue, in order not to incur legal penalties, consisting in the loss of the right to illness allowance for all days of unjustified delay.

For events of temporary unsuitability for boarding due to common illnesses, the following must be presented:

  • the report issued by the Port Authority;
  • the decision of the Central Commission (on any appeal lodged by the interested party against an unfavourable report).

Information required for the claim

To submit the supplementary communication, the user must have the following information:

  • tax identification code of the employer;
  • in the case of seafarers (for shipowners or in the fisheries sector), the vessel on which they have worked;
  • the classification qualification;
  • IBAN, if required, and, in the case of a foreign IBAN outside the SEPA area, the SWIFT/BIC code.

In the case of a seafarer, the user must attach to the supplementary communication:

  • documentation proving the date of landing;
  • copy of the Seaman’s Discharge Book, if held, or other equivalent documentation issued by a subject institutionally competent to manage the employment-employer relationship (port authorities, authorised foreign subjects);
  • financial identification form (if not already produced to the Institute during previous payment requests) for the payment of the allowance by crediting a foreign IBAN.

A new feature is available for consulting the status of maritime workers’ illness files in the Institute's electronic archives, for the three years preceding the date of consultation.

In the same section, the user manual, relating to the features and the compilation guide, can be viewed.

Payment method

Accepted methods of payment are:

  • bank transfer made payable at the post office (cash payment is allowed only within the limit set by current legislation);
  • credit to a bank current account (Italian or foreign);
  • credit to a post office current account;
  • top-up card.

For all the payment methods, with the exception of bank transfer made payable at the post office, the IBAN/account number and, for non-SEPA foreign current accounts, the SWIFT/BIC code are required.

Processing times of the decision

The ordinary deadline for issuing a decision is set at 30 days under Law no. 241/1990. In some cases the law may set different deadlines

The table shows the deadlines exceeding thirty days, set by the Institute with a Regulation.

In addition to the terms for the issuance of the decision, the table also indicates the relative manager.