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Citizens’ income: how to claim for recruitment incentives

The service allows individuals to claim a relief for hiring of Citizens’ Income beneficiaries with full-time and permanent employment contracts, for private employers.
Addressed to:
Administrations, Institutions, and Companies
Fund of membership
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Publication: 18 November 2019 Latest update: 1 December 2021

What is it?

Article 8, Decree-Law no. 4 of 28 January 2019 introduced an incentive for employers who hire, under full-time and permanent employment contracts, including apprenticeships, beneficiaries of Citizens’ income (RdC).

Who is it aimed at?

Allowance for hiring beneficiaries of Citizens’ income can be claimed by all private employers. Accredited training institutes may also be beneficiaries of the facilitation, in cases where full-time and permanent employment is with another employer as a result of the training carried out at the institution itself.

How does it work?

To know the amount and duration of the benefit with certainty, employers interested in the incentive should submit an online claim to INPS.

After having received the digital claim, INPS, through its central information systems:

  • will calculate the amount and duration of the benefit due on the basis of the information on Citizens’ income in its possession and the amount of the employer's and domestic worker's social security contributions declared in the claim;
  • will consult, if the conditions laid down in Regulation (EU) no. 1407/2013 are met, the National State Aid Register to verify that there is a possibility for that employer to be granted de minimis aid;
  • if it appears that the worker is a beneficiary of the RdC and that there is sufficient de minimis aid available for the employer, will provide a confirmation of acceptance of the claim, together with a plan for its use.



In order to apply for the benefit, employers must submit a claim to INPS, using only the online claim form, called "SRDC - Citizens’ Income Relief” , available on the Benefits Portal (ex DiResCo).

Processing time of the measure

The ordinary time limit for issuing measures is set by Law No. 241/1990 at 30 days. In some cases the law may set different deadlines.

The table shows the deadlines exceeding 30 days, established by the Institute by means of Regulations..

In addition to the deadlines for issuing the measure, the table, also indicates the person responsible for it.