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Support for Training and Work (SFL)

The service allows the submission of claims for SFL to individual members of family units who meet certain economic, citizenship and residence requirements.
Addressed to:
Citizens- Unemployed, never previously employed and suspended workers- Patronage Institutes
Fund of membership

Publication: 31 August 2023 Latest update: 1 September 2023

What is it?

The Support for Training and Work (SFL) is an activation measure for bringing persons into work through participation in projects of:

  • training and job-placement;
  • vocational training and retraining;
  • active labour market policies, regardless of how they are named;
  • projects useful to the community;
  • universal civil service.

The Support for Training and Work (SFL) is a measure aimed at promoting the bringing persons who are at risk of unemployment and social exclusion into the world of work, through participation in training projects, vocational training and retraining, orientation, job-placement and active labour market policies, as well as projects that are useful to the community and of universal civil service.

In particular, the SFL is intended for individual members of family units, between 18 and 59 years of age, with a valid family ISEE, for no more than 6,000 euro per year, within which there are no minors, persons over 60 years of age, persons with disabilities, or persons in disadvantaged conditions cared for by the social and health care services.

The SFL provides for the payment of an allowance for participation in activation measures for bringing people into work, subject to actual participation in the activities indicated above.

Access to the measure implies, in fact, a clear commitment to take part in work activation initiatives and to accept job offers that have the characteristics indicated by the same legislation. To this end, following the submission of the claim or the successful outcome of the claim, the claimant must access the portal of the Information System for Social and Work Inclusion (SIISL), to complete the Pact for Digital Activation (PAD), in which, in addition to confirming their immediate availability to work and to participate in activation measures for bringing people into work, they must indicate at least three employment agencies or bodies authorised for intermediation activities which have been contacted in order to receive job offers suitable for their professional profile. 

After signing of the PAD (Pact for Digital Activation), the claimant will be summoned to the Employment Centres to sign the Personalised Service Agreement. In the Pact, the pathway to be followed will be identified and, through the SIISL, the interested party will be able to receive or independently identify job offers, work orientation and job-placement services and active policies or specific training programmes, orientation and training internships and projects that are useful to the community.

Who is it aimed at?

The Support for Training and Work (SFL) is aimed at the individual members of family units:

  • between 18 and 59 years of age;
  • in possession of certain citizenship, stay, residence and economic requirements. 

How does it work?

The Support for Training and Work (SFL) is established by the Labour Decree (Decree-Law no. 48 of 4 May 2023, converted with amendments by Law no. 85 of 3 July 2023), from 1 September 2023.

To take advantage of the measure, you must:

  • submit a claim for SFL to INPS by electronic means;
  • register with the Information System for Social and Work Inclusion (SIISL), the IT platform created to:
    • facilitate job search;
    • identify the most useful training activities for the training/retraining of beneficiaries. 
  • sign the PAD (Pact for Digital Activation) upon the successful outcome of the submission of the claim;
  • sign the Personalised Service Agreement;
  • attending a course or other job activation initiative.

In the claim, the claimant must:

  • issue the declaration of immediate availability to work and to participate in active policy measures (DID);
  • demonstrate enrolment in first-level adult education courses or in any case functional to the fulfilment of the education obligation (in the case of subjects between the ages of 18 and 29 who have not fulfilled the school obligation);
  • authorise the transmission of data relating to the request to employment centres, employment agencies and bodies authorised to carry out intermediation activities, as well as to entities accredited for employment services.

INPS verifies the fulfilment of the requirements, based on the information available in its own databases or that made available by other public administrations.

Upon the positive outcome of the verification of the requirements, through the SIISL platform, the claimant must sign the PAD (Pact for Digital Activation), indicating at least three employment agencies that they are required to contact.

After signing the PAD (Pact for Digital Activation), the claim is accepted and the claimant is summoned by the employment service to sign the Personalised Service Agreement.

They can be summoned according to the organisational methods adopted locally by the regions and using the contact details provided for this purpose by the beneficiaries as part of the pact for digital activation, through:

  • telephone messaging
  • email

After signing the Personalised Service Agreement, the claimant, through the SIISL, will be able to receive or independently identify job offers or subscribe to work orientation and job-placement services or participate in training or job-placement programmes as indicated above. 


The Support for Training and Work (SFL) provides, as an allowance for participation in activation measures for bringing people into work, an economic benefit of 350 euro per month. The amount is disbursed for the entire duration of the course or other employment activation measure, within a maximum limit of 12 months, by monthly bank transfer from INPS.

The benefit is conditional, under penalty of forfeiture, on actual participation in training activities or other employment activation initiatives.



For purposes of access to the benefit, the following requirements must be met for the entire duration.

Citizenship, stay and residence requirements

The claimant must be:

  • an Italian citizen or a citizen of another country of the European Union;
  • a family member of an Italian or European Union citizen and who has the right of residence, or even the right of permanent residence;
  • a third-country national holding an EU residence permit for long-term residents;
  • holder of the international protection status referred to in Italian Legislative Decree no. 251 of 19 November 2007 or stateless person in possession of a similar permit.

The claimant, at the time of submitting the claim, must have been a resident in Italy for at least five years, of which the last two on an on-going basis.

The residence requirement must be met for the entire duration of the benefit.

Economic requirements.

It is necessary to have all of the following economic requirements:

  • Valid family ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator), for no more than 6,000 euro per year;
  • value of the family income less than a threshold of 6,000 euro per year, multiplied by the corresponding parameter of the equivalence scale for the purposes of the ISEE;
  • real estate assets in Italy and abroad (as defined for the purposes of the ISEE) not exceeding 30,000 euro, other than the residence with an IMU Property Tax value not exceeding 150,000 euro;
  • movable assets (as defined for the purposes of the ISEE: deposits, current accounts, etc., before deductibles) less than:
    • 6,000 euro for units composed of a single member;
    • 8,000 euro for units composed of two members;
    • 10,000 euro for units composed of three or more members (increased threshold of 1,000 euro for each child under the age of 18 starting from the third).

These ceilings are increased by:

  • 5,000 euro for each member with disabilities;
  • 7,500 euro for each member present in the family unit in a condition of severe disability or who is not self-sufficient;
  • not having in the family unit any member who is the owner in any capacity or has full availability of:
    • vehicles with a cylinder capacity exceeding 1600 cc or motorcycles with a cylinder capacity exceeding 250 cc, registered for the first time in the 36 months prior to the request, excluding vehicles and motorcycles for which there is a tax relief for persons with disabilities;
    • vessels or pleasure boats, as well as aircrafts of any kind.

Further requirements are as follows:

  • not be subject to a personal precautionary measure, to a preventive measure, and not have final convictions or adopted pursuant to Article 444 of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure, occured in the ten years prior to the request;
  • not be unemployed, following voluntary resignation, in the 12 months following the date of the resignation, without prejudice to the resignation for just cause, as well as the termination by mutual consent of the employment relationship;
  • the measure is compatible with employed or self-employed work, provided that the income received does not exceed the thresholds for access to the measure; therefore, any employment relationships already initiated at the time of the claim and not reported by the ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) for the entire year must be communicated, as well as any other change in employment that occurs during the provision of the benefit;

Notification Obligations

The beneficiary is obliged to notify of any change regarding:

  • fulfil the right and obligation to education and training, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 76 of 15 April 2005 or the related exemption.
  • income;
  • real estate or movable assets (also following a donation, inheritance or winnings), which leads to or could result in exceeding the respective threshold values;
  • the family unit, with respect to the ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) certificate (in this case it is necessary to present an updated DSU (Single Substitute Statement), under penalty of forfeiture of the benefit);
  • any further changes regarding the conditions and requirements for access to the measure and its maintenance, under penalty of forfeiture of the benefit.

Recipients of the Inclusion Allowance (ADI) that can access the SFL

From 1 January 2024, members of the family units receiving the Inclusion Allowance (ADI) will also be able to access the SFL, who will decide to participate in the job-placement pathways, even though they are not subject to the obligations provided for in Article 6, paragraph 4, of Decree-Law no. 48/2023 (parental obligations), provided that they are not calculated on the equivalence scale specific to the ADI.


The Support for Training and Work is incompatible with:

  • Citizens' income;
  • Citizens' pension;
  • any other public instrument for supplemental support or income support for unemployment.

For further insights please refer to:


The claim may be submitted to INPS online, from 1 September 2023:

  • directly from the website, logging in using your SPID (Public Digital Identity System) credentials (at least of Level 2), CNS (National Services Card) or CIE (Electronic Identity Card) in the appropriate section dedicated to the SFL;
  • through the Patronage Institutes referred to in Law no. 152 of 30 March 2001;
  • at a CAF (Fiscal Assistance Centre) from 1 January 2024.

Users can download the tutorial (PDF 12.5 MB) with all the instructions and access the SIISL platform directly. Interested parties must register on the platform and sign the Pact for Digital Activation Pact (PAD), to complete and send the claim and, therefore, obtain the economic benefit of 350 euro.