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Poste Italiane Group Mutuality Funds Subsidies

The service allows you to claim contributions for medical expenses incurred or illness/hospitalisation/death certificates, as well as for spa treatments or summer stays for those enrolled in the Old Funds and the New Mutuality Fund.
Addressed to:
Survivors family members - Dependent workers- Pensioners
Fund of membership

Publication: 14 February 2019 Latest update: 16 May 2023

What is it?

The subsidies from the Old Fund (Retirement and Life Fund) and the New Mutuality Fund are contributions paid for:

  • health care costs incurred;
  • illness/hospitalisation/death certificates;
  • spa treatments;
  • summer stays (only for members of the New Mutuality Fund).

Below, you can view the complete list of benefits provided for by the New Regulations for members of both funds: 

  • contribution for illness that involves the admission of the member to the hospital or nursing home;
  • contribution for chronic illness in active phase;
  • contribution for prostheses;
  • contribution for orthotics and aids;
  • contribution for glasses or contact lenses;
  • contribution for serious or rare illnesses
  • contribution for funeral expenses.

Those registered with the New Mutuality Fund may also claim, in addition, the following contributions:

  • contribution for dental health care;
  • contribution for eye care;
  • contribution for physiotherapeutic rehabilitation treatments following injury;
  • contribution for specialist medical examinations and clinical examinations.

Contributions for spa treatments and summer stays, provided for by the New Regulations, are governed by the relevant tender notice published every year on the INPS website.

Who is it aimed at?

The service is intended for members:

  • of the Old Mutuality Fund (Retirement and Life Fund);
  • of the new Mutuality Fund;
  • for other categories:
    • to the widow/widower of a member who has not remarried;
    • to the surviving party of the civil union who has not made a new declaration before the registrar;
    • to an orphan under the care of the beneficiary at the time of death.

How does it work?

The claim – one for each type of contribution – must be submitted within 180 days of the date of the event or expense document.                                                                           

In the event that the maximum allowable amount is reached with separate acts of expenditure, the claim for subsidy must be forwarded within 180 days from the date of the last expenditure incurred. 

For all other information relating to the Subsidies of the New and Old Mutual Society – ex IPOST Scheme - it is possible to consult the New Regulations for the provision of welfare services (pdf 4.70 MB).



The claim for access to the service must be submitted exclusively online, one for each type of contribution, by accessing the service with one’s own credentials.

Processing times of the decision

The deadline to define the decision was set at 30 days by the Regulation for the definition of the terms to conclude the administrative proceedings adopted by INPS pursuant to Article 2 of Law no. 241/1990.

The table attached to the Regulation shows both the deadlines for defining the decisions established by the Institute that are longer than the normal 30-day period, and the indication of the relative manager.