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Telecare in support of the Home Care Premium (HCP) project

The service allows you to become accredited as a company providing telecare, remote assistance and telemonitoring services to the beneficiaries of the Home Care Premium 2022 project residing in the Inland Areas.
Addressed to:
Administrations, Organizations and Companies
Fund of membership

Publication: 17 October 2023

What is it?

The service allows you to become accredited as a company providing telecare services to support the beneficiaries of the Home Care Premium project, residing in the Inland Areas.

Who is it aimed at?

Companies that sell, develop and/or bring together services of:

  • telecare;
  • remote assistance;
  • telemonitoring.

How does it work?

The telecare project is aimed at the winners of the HCP tender residing in one of the municipalities of the Inland Areas. These are disadvantaged areas, as they are far from the main national connection routes.

The mapping of Inland Areas 2021-2027 is published by the Territorial Cohesion Agency.

These subjects may benefit from the provision of devices and services of:

  • telecare;
  • remote assistance;
  • telemonitoring.

The purchase can be made from the suppliers who are accredited with the Institute.

On the announcement page it is possible to view the following documents:

  • the list of accredited companies;
  • the catalogue of proposed packages.



Companies may apply for accreditation if:

  • they meet the requirements envisaged by the accreditation notice, published in the Welfare, assistance and mutuality notices section;
  • they have registered for online services in the manner indicated in the notice. 

You can check the outcome of the claim in the reserved area.

The status will change from "Accreditation Verification" to "Accreditation Approved/Rejected".

Companies that meet the requirements and who are registered will be included in the list of accredited suppliers.


The claim must be submitted within the time limits laid down in the notice for accreditation.


The claim can be submitted through the online service, by logging in with your credentials.

The legal representative and the parties delegated to operate in the procedure must submit the request to enable the online services, through form RA013.

The request must be sent to the Regional Directorate or Metropolitan Coordination Directorate, as specified in the notice for accreditation.

Processing times of the decision

The deadline to define the decision was set at 30 days by the Regulation for the definition of the terms to conclude the administrative proceedings adopted by INPS pursuant to Article 2 of Law no. 241/1990.

The table attached to the Regulation shows both the deadlines for defining the decisions established by the Institute that are longer than the normal 30-day period, and the indication of the relative manager.