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Contributions for the enrolment in university colleges of merit for children, orphans and equivalents of those enrolled in the Teachers and School Managers Scheme, the Post-telegraph Scheme and members of the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits

The service allows claims to be sent for admission to university colleges of merit accredited by the MUR and to CampusX Chieti, Rome and Bari for children, orphans, and equivalents of workers and pensioners registered in the Credit Fund.
Specific for
Young people regularly entrusted, children, orphans and equivalents of members (employees or pensioners) of the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits or Public Administration and pensioners enrolled in the Credit Fund

Publication: 21 September 2023 Latest update: 6 October 2023

What is it?

The INPS provides a contribution for the payment of the registration fee to colleges of merit recognised and accredited by the MUR and/or to the following structures:

  • CampusX Chieti;
  • CampusX Rome;
  • CampusX Bari.

Who is it aimed at?

The following may take part in the competition for a contribution: university students who are children and/or orphans and equivalents of:

  • Civil servants and civil servant pensioners enrolled in the Unified Scheme of credit and Social Benefits of INPS;
  • pensioners benefiting from the Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme.
  • members registered with the Teachers and School Managers Scheme;
  • members registered with the Post-telegraph Scheme.

How does it work?


Contributions for enrolment in university colleges are awarded each year with a competition tender.
The beneficiaries may remain in college until they present their master’s degree thesis, subject to an annual declaration of maintenance of the benefit.
Tenders and the related classifications can be found in the Welfare, Assistance and Mutuality section.


A contribution is due depending on the ISEE band to which they belong, without prejudice to the maximum amounts provided for in the tender.


The student loses the benefit:

  • on reaching the age of twenty-six, except in exceptional cases;
  • for failure to provide the attachments within the time limits laid down in the announcement;
  • serious violations of the regulations of the host facility;
  • the opening of criminal proceedings against him/her;
  • changes in the legal position of the registered parent;
  • loss of the requirements specified in the announcement.




The beneficiary of the benefit:

  • must be under 26 years old;
  • must not be more than two years behind in the school career, never previously employed or unemployed on the date of submission of the claim;
  • must not have been removed from a college structure;
  • must not have received criminal convictions or have ongoing criminal proceedings.

The benefit is incompatible with other educational benefits, in cash or in services, worth more than 6,000 euros in total, provided by the State or other public or private bodies and institutions.


The claim must be submitted within the time limits laid down in the competition tender.


The claim must be submitted online by accessing the service from this page.

You can contact the Contact Centre service by calling the number 803164 free of charge from a landline phone and 06164164 for a fee from a mobile network, at the cost of your operator's tariff.

Processing times of the decision

The deadline to define the decision was set at 30 days by the Regulation for the definition of the terms to conclude the administrative proceedings adopted by INPS pursuant to Article 2 of Law no. 241/1990.

The table attached to the Regulation shows both the deadlines for defining the decisions established by the Institute that are longer than the normal 30-day period, and the indication of the relative manager.

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