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LTC - Hospitalisation in Long-Term Care facilities

This service allows to claim the granting of contributions for the total or partial coverage of the cost of long-term care and admission to Health Care Residences or specialised facilities for people with pathologies.
Specific for
Employees, pensioners registered with the Unitary Management Fund for credit and social benefits and with the former IPOST Management Fund, suffering from pathologies requiring long-term care and hospitalization in RSAs or specialized facilities, and inte

Publication: 3 April 2017 Latest update: 13 April 2023

What is it?

As part of the social benefits, INPS provides for a competition notice, called Long Term Care, for the granting of contributions to cover all or part of the cost incurred by people with pathologies who require long-term care and hospitalisation in Health Care Residences (RSA) or in specialised facilities.

Who is it aimed at?

The following can request the hospitalisation contributions provided through the competition:

  • employees and pensioners enrolled in the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits and in the ex IPOST Scheme;
  • their spouses, for whom no separation sentence has been issued;
  • first-degree relatives, even if they are cohabitants;
  • parties to a civil union and the cohabitants pursuant to Law 76/2016;
  • siblings and relatives of the first degree, if the beneficiary is their guardian or curator;
  • orphaned children of the right holder;
  • children in foster care, judicial foster care or pre-adoptive foster care are equivalent to children.

How does it work?

The competition notice is published on the Institute's website, in the section Welfare, Assistance and Mutuality.

The claim can be submitted:

  • online, using the "one-click welfare claims" service;
  • through the Contact centre, toll-free on the number 803 164 (from Italian landlines) or on the paid number 06 164 164 (from a mobile phone), always using personal credentials;
  • through the patronage institutes, entering the DSU (single substitute statement) protocol and the details of the report certifying the state of disability.

If the beneficiary does not coincide with the right holder, the latter (also through the patronage institute or through the assistance of the Contact Centre) shall first register the beneficiary using the "Access to Welfare Services" procedure. In case of delegation to the submission of the claim, it is necessary to attach the beneficiary's delegation.

To submit the claim, it is necessary to have submitted the Single Substitute Statement (DSU) for the determination of the residential social and health ISEE referred to the family unit of the beneficiary or the ISEE for minors with unmarried parents and non-cohabitants.

The value of the ISEE contributes to determining the ranking, and the amount of the contribution, to the beneficiary and to the Territorial Agency.

In the event of failure to submit a valid DSU, the claim will be placed at the end of the ranking of the eligible. In the case of ex aequo- equally placed-, priority shall be given to the oldest beneficiary.

Upon verification of the requirements set in the notice, INPS shall notify the claimants of the acceptance of the claim or send a notice of rejection, inviting them to modify or supplement the missing information.

Processing times of the decision

The deadline to define the decision was set at 30 days by the Regulation for the definition of the terms to conclude the administrative proceedings adopted by INPS pursuant to Article 2 of Law no. 241/1990.

The table (pdf 205KB) attached to the Regulation shows both the deadlines for defining the decisions established by the Institute that are longer than the normal 30-day period, and the indication of the relative manager.