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Screening for the prevention and early diagnosis of oncological and cardiovascular diseases

The service allows you to participate in the annual competition tender open to those enrolled in the Unified Scheme Fund to take advantage of credit and social benefits for a free screening for the prevention and early diagnosis of cancers.
Addressed to:
Pensioners- Civil Servants
Fund of membership
The service is also available in

Publication: 12 March 2021 Latest update: 21 April 2023

What is it?

INPS provides the members of the Unified Scheme with a free screening service for the prevention and early diagnosis of the following diseases and according to the following protocols:

  • skin cancer (dermatological examination, dermoscopy);
  • male genitalia cancer (urological examination, suprapubic pelvic ultrasound, PSA, PSA free);
  • female genitalia cancer (gynaecological examination, suprapubic pelvic ultrasound, Smear Test);
  • cardiovascular disease.

The contribution consists of a voucher with a QR Code that can be printed or downloaded on electronic devices and can be used at any facility accredited with INPS for the performance of one of the free screenings, the list of which is published on the page dedicated to the tender or, if there are no accredited structures in the municipality of residence, at a non-accredited trusted centre able to provide the services according to the protocols described in the relevant tenders.

Who is it aimed at?

The beneficiaries are those enrolled in the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits, in service or retired.

How does it work?

The tender is published annually in the Welfare, Assistance and Mutuality section.

The number of free screening services made available to beneficiaries is established in the tender; the Institute undertakes to provide the maximum number of services allowed by the annual budget.

Upon verification of the requirements set in the tender, INPS shall notify the applicants of the acceptance of the claim or the notice of rejection, inviting them to modify or supplement the missing information.

Beneficiaries will receive a communication to the email address (not certified) stored in the access credentials and shall carry out the benefit acceptance procedure within the terms indicated in the tender. Beneficiaries must book free screening at the chosen accredited facility by showing the voucher.

Users who instead go to a non-accredited centre will not be able to download the voucher: they will have to accept the benefit under the terms described in the tender, pay the expense in advance and, in order to obtain the reimbursement within the indicated expenditure limit, upload proof of expenditure in the reserved area.



The claim must be submitted within the deadlines set by the tender, which is published annually in the Welfare, Assistance and Mutuality section.


The claim can be submitted through the following channels:

  • dedicated online service (‘One-click welfare claims’), accessing with your own credentials;
  • Calling the contact centre on 803 164 (free from Italian landlines) or 06 164 164 (from mobile phones), always using your own credentials.

Processing times of the decision

The deadline to define the decision was set at 30 days by the Regulation for the definition of the terms to conclude the administrative proceedings adopted by INPS pursuant to Article 2 of Law no. 241/1990.

The table (pdf 206Kb) attached to the Regulation shows both the deadlines for defining the decisions established by the Institute that are longer than the normal 30-day period, and the indication of the relative manager.