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Information for users on the use of cookies on the Institute’s website

Publication: 10 December 2018 Last update: 23 January 2023

Information for users on the use of cookies on the Institute’s website, in accordance with Article 13 of (EU) Regulation 2016/679

INPS, as controller, with registered office in Rome, via Ciro il Grande, no. 21, informs the users that the INPS website uses cookies, which are small text files that the websites being accessed send to the user's terminal, where they are stored and retransmitted to these same websites on the next visit.

In particular, please note that accessing one or more pages of the site may generate technical cookies of the following types:

1. Analytical Cookies: the INPS institutional website sends cookies to the web analytics platform, similar to technical cookies, as they are used by the Institute for statistical purposes, related to the collection of information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how the site is being navigated

2. Session cookies: used to ensure effective website navigation and use as well as being used for authentication to online services. These are cookies that are stored on the user’s computer in a temporary manner and are deleted when you close the browser. The session cookies used on this site avoid the use of other computer techniques potentially damaging to the confidentiality of the user's navigation and do not allow for the acquisition of the user’s personal identification data.

The cookies indicated above are not used by INPS for further purposes and their installation does not require the prior consent of users, in accordance with the provisions prescribed by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data in the provision of 8 May 2014 concerning the "Identification of simplified methods for the information and acquisition of consent for the use of Cookies" and in the provision no. 231 of 10 June 2021 concerning the “Cookie guidelines and other tracking tools”.

Statistical cookies (consent required)

The site, with the user's consent, may generate statistics cookies.

Statistics cookies are used to acquire information relating to the macro-areas of origin of requests for portal pages and the content of greatest interest.

For statistics cookies INPS uses Web Analytics Italia (WAI).

WAI is the national platform for the collection and analysis of statistical data relating to the traffic of the sites and digital services of the Italian public administration. WAI uses by default the system of anonymisation of the users' IP address. More information can be found on the privacy page of Web Analytics Italia (

INPS’ institutional website does not use profiling cookies

Link to third-party sites

From the Inps portal it is possible to connect to other websites and this option is made clear to the user/visitor so as to ensure that they know they are exiting the current site. Since these sites are not the property or responsibility of INPS, as they are fully managed by other companies and/or institutes for which the user is required to verify and, if necessary, accept the relevant privacy protection policies, we decline any responsibility regarding any claim for and/or release of personal data to third party sites.

How can I deactivate or remove cookies?

Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can set your browser to not accept cookies automatically or upon specific claim. We do not recommend such deactivation as normal navigation may be impaired and some or all of the site's features may not be available. If you do not want your computer to receive and store cookies, you can change the security settings of your browser.

Below are the links to the producers of browsers most commonly used:

Where applicable, users have the right to object to the processing or to obtain from INPS, at any time, access to personal data concerning them, rectification, erasure of the same or restriction of processing (Articles 15 et seq. of the EU Regulation). The appropriate claim can be made to INPS through the Data Protection Officer at the address: INPS - Responsabile della Protezione dei dati personali, Via Ciro il Grande, n. 21, postal code 00144, Rome; certified e-mail:

If users believe that the processing of their personal data is being carried out by INPS in violation of the provisions of the EU Regulation, they have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data (Article 77 of EU Regulation 2016/679) or take appropriate legal action (Article 79 EU Regulation 2016/679).