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All the services offered through the portal are collected here, grouped by category.

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Anticipated NASpI: unemployment allowance paid in an advance lump sum (for workers made redundant from 1st May 2015)

Claim for anticipated NASpI benefit for beneficiaries of the New Social Insurance for Employment (NASpI)

Application for the formalisation of an irregular employment relationship

Claim requesting the regularisation of irregular employment relationships for agricultural and domestic employers and delegated intermediaries


Capital benefits of the Tax Collectors Fund

Claim for capital benefits relating to TFR for members of the Tax Collectors' Fund and entitled heirs

Certification of the withholding agent

Claim for certification of the remuneration received during the previous year. This can be requested claimed by citizens who have received income

Citizens’ Income and Citizens’ Pension

Claim for Citizens’ Income or Citizens’ Pension for family units that meet certain requirements

Claim for redemption exemption for Leaving Indemnity for Civil Servants TFS / Severance Indemnity TFR – State

Claim for exemption from a redemption for TFS or TFR purposes, for persons enrolled in the social security funds managed by the Institute

Claim for redemption for TFR / TFS purposes for Civil Servants

Claim for redemption of periods and services not covered by contributions for inclusion in the TFS/TFR, for Civil Servants

Claim for redemption of periods for Severance Indemnity TFR / Leaving Indemnity for Civil Servants TFS purposes for civil servants of local institutions, regions and healthcare

Claim for redemption of periods and services not covered by any contributions for leaving Indemnity for Civil Servants TFS or Severance Indemnity TFR purposes for civil servants

Claim to change the Insurance Position (Richiesta di Variazione della Posizione Assicurativa - RVPA) of civil servants

This service allows the civil servants to report any inaccuracies and errors contained in the Civil Servants' Pension Scheme Account Statement. The claim can be submitted online. The deadline for reply is set at 30 days.

Claims for the establishment, continuation, variation change and cancellation of an agricultural employment relationship with small tenant farmers and family participants

Claim for the establishment, continuation, change and termination of the employment relationship for agricultural workers such as small tenant farmers and family members