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All the services offered through the portal are collected here, grouped by category.

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2016-2017 Earthquake: claim for payment of withholding tax in instalments

Claim for resumption of the obligation to pay withholding taxes suspended as a lump sum or in instalments for pensioners and INPS employees

2016/2017 Earthquake - Suspension of contribution payments

Claim to pay suspended contributions for private employers, self-employed workers and those enrolled in the Separate Pension Scheme in instalments


AGENDA2 - Payments and pension reporting

Consultation of pension payment flows, beneficiary master data and payment reporting

Access to the Revenue-Collection Office services

Service that provides access to the website of the Italian Revenue-Collection Agency, a new entity that has taken over from Equitalia, to verify the debt situation

Access to the service for payment of redemptions, aggregation of insurance periods and incomes

Service enabling payment of contributions for redemptions, aggregation of insurance periods and incomes via 'pagoPA online payment'

Access to welfare services

A service that allows you to identify your family members as possible beneficiaries of each benefit

Additional amount for minimum pensions

Claim for an additional supplementary amount to the pension for those who receive one or more pensions not exceeding, collectively, the minimum amount

Administrative appeal civilian invalidity

Motion addressed to the competent Institution aimed at obtaining the annulment or reform of an administrative decision

Administrative appeals

System for submitting appeals online

Admission to boarding schools and colleges for children or orphans of people registered with the Postal and Telecommunications Pension Scheme the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits

Admission to boarding schools and colleges for children or orphans of people registered with the Postal and Telecommunications Pension Scheme and the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits